Recently the Parish Hall has had some work done to upgrade the facility. The old Kitchenette has been mostly removed to upgrade it to a more modern and safer standard and new fire emergency doors have also been installed. This building work has been supported by FCC and been ably done by Michael Wogan of M W Elite Construction Ltd of Ballyboughal, North County Dublin.
Routine maintenance has been done on the electrics by Garvan Harte of CP Electrical & Security. This work was done in between some very successful Summer Camps in Lego, Art and Steam having been run.
The Parish Hall will be fully open and up and running again towards the end of August. In order to keep the hall in good repair and to do renovation work it is necessary to limit use on occasions for this to take place. The Parish Hall Committee apologise for any inconvenience but trust its users will be more than happy with the improvements.
There is still some limited use available in the Parish Hall; for any queries in this regard please contact the Parish Office on 01-8434574.