Over the last few years, we have done a variety of walks about 6 a year. Ranging from Coastal Walks on our own Cliff Walk Donabate - Corballis the Burrow and back via Portrane Hospital to Forest Walks - in Virginia Co. Cavan to Canal Walks - along the Boyne to Beach Walks - Balbriggan to Laytown. In January we did a Greenway Walk Carlingford to Omeath In February we had to cancel the Lighthouse Walk to Poolbeg due to bad weather and in March a few of us braved an early start and mixed weather to explore Glendalough Holy & Historic Walks. We will do one of those shorter walks in Glendalough in the Autumn & make a day of it eating in the hotel. Last month in April we took the train to and from Leitrim and did part of the Blue Way the tale is in the next episode! It is hoped in May to do the Poolbeg Walk again as it’s a great walk, but the weather has not always been perfect, so third time here’s hoping in the blistering sunshine! Contact Carolyn:087 9284307 or Des:087 7846813 if interested.