Rush Town Centre Earmarked for New Funding Scheme

Rush Town Centre Earmarked for New Funding Scheme

Residents in Rush will be happy to learn that the town has been chosen as the next participant in the Town Centre First scheme that will see the approval of funding to develop its Town Centre First plan.
Rush has been included in the project as one of 68 other towns across the country that will receive the Government funding of €10,000, which is primarily aimed at Addressing issues like vacancy and dereliction.

The funding may be used to support the establishment and/or development of town teams where they are not already well established, and to better understand the unique features of towns. The projects will be managed by the DRCD-funded Town Regeneration Officers across the country.

Speaking at the launch announcement of the new plan, Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphries said, “I’m delighted today to announce the first ever dedicated investment in our Town Teams. This is all about tackling vacancy, combatting dereliction and breathe new life into our town centres. Through this initiative, we are recognising the importance of having vibrant towns, which are places to live in, work in, visit, and raise a family in.”

Town Teams consist of local residents, businesspeople, community representatives and other stakeholders who come together to make their area a better place to live, work, visit and invest. They represent diverse sectors and backgrounds.

Local Cllr Rob O’Donoghue warmly welcomed the announcement and commented that, “the town centre first plan offers a unique and timely opportunity to take stock of the current condition and future potential of Rush and to plan in a holistic manner for the future based on the needs of the community.”

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