As we enter 2022 the hard working team of Swords Tidy Towns will carry on doing what they do best, keeping our town looking the best it can, and that is no easy task mind you. Unfortunately, there are individuals who continue on a daily basis to litter and deface our beautiful town with a total disregard for others. These are the mask discarders who litter the length and breadth of Swords, the litterers who daily throw their rubbish onto our streets, there is no excuse for this, bin it, or take it home. Irresponsible dog owners, who don’t clean up after their pets with total disregard for people’s health and safety. Then there are those dog owners who bag their pet’s poo and throw it into the nearest bush or worse hang it on whatever is nearest to them. What is the point in you doing this guys it is a disgusting and unsightly habit. If there is no bin nearby, again please take your dog poo to the nearest bin or take it home with you, your dog’s poo is your responsibility nobody else’s. When pet owners take responsibility as do the vast majority of them, it benefits the whole community and makes our work that much easier.We would ask local Residents Associations to consider adopting a patch in their area and plant it up with species that are wild life friendly. We would be happy to advise any Residents Association wishing to do so, just email us at Tidy Towns has been successful in the last four National Tidy Towns competitions winning a silver medal on each occasion, we are in the large urban area category. This is testament to all the hard work and dedication that has been put in over many years by the group. This success didn’t happen overnight, it has been a long slog since being designated a litter black spot in 2004, coming in bottom of the table in that years IBAL report.If you see our members when you are out and about say hello, they enjoy a chat, it’s nice to know that people notice and appreciate their hard work.We have many outstanding projects in the pipeline for completion this year, hopefully we will get them finished. We are always looking for new volunteers to help in our efforts, hopefully one day we will win that elusive gold medal, we think Swords deserves one don’t you.