In the 2021 Town and Village Streetscape Enhancement scheme, an initiative funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) & administered by FCC Development Section, the Parish Hall Committee were part funded for outdoor works at the Parish Hall & Church. The tree lined boundary facing the graveyard and backing on to the railway has been pruned back, the trees trimmed and the undergrowth cleared out. New pots and miniature trees have been put in front of the hall. In the Springtime the railings, gates and doors of the church will be restored and painted as part of this programme. Some works have already started by clearing at the railings in preparation for painting as the weather improves. As regards what is happening inside the Parish Hall - there has been some curtailment of daily activities and classes and very few events taking place, but hopefully with covid restrictions easing there will be more activities and events taking off. It is not still clear whether it will be possible to run the Cultural 3 Week Activity Block for in Spring during February/ March and it may have to be moved to a later time in the summer; all will depend on public health restrictions. It is envisaged that the situation will improve as regards public health and as there are only certain times still available to rent in the Parish Hall and a rapidly expanding population it might be a good idea to contact Bernie at or any queries to 01 8434574 to see if there is availability to suit your needs. We wish you all a good Spring and welcome back all our regular users and new user to the Parish Hall.