Cottage Centre and Saint Macullins Centre Summer Activities

Cottage Centre and Saint Macullins Centre Summer Activities

While many activities take a break over the summer months, the following will be available in the following centres: (1) Cottage Community Centre :Kumon, the learning and development pro-gramme will continue over the summer except July 18th - August 2nd.Lusk Senior Citizens wee kly get together is on Friday mornings. - Yoganamara both Chair and Pregnancy Yoga takes place on Tuesdays. - Prosper Fingal classes are on Tuesday mornings except from June 24th - July 11th (2) Saint Macullins Centre (SMC): Foróige Coastal North Dublin have youth get togethers. - RCCG Assembly of Praise Sunday services. - Yoganamara with Saturday morning Yoga to start the weekend. - In addition to weekly activities the following Summer Camps will be happening. - Bricks4Kidz (SMC) July 4th - July 8th. Daily from 10am - 1pm and 2.30pm – 5.30pm - August 2nd - 5th. Daily from 10am – 1pm Bricks4Kidz (Cottage) - August 15th - 18th Daily from 10am – 1pm - Tina Mation: (SMC) July 11th - 15th. Daily from 10am – 1pm - Aug 15th - 19th. Daily from 10am – 1pm. Contact the Cottage Community Centre for further information Tel. 01 8954180 or email

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