By Jack Shanley
“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” picks up decades after the events of “War for the Planet of the Apes” with Caesar, the wise chimpanzee leader, a revered memory. Humanity has been ravaged by a virus, leaving a power vacuum filled by various ape communities. Enter Noa, a young gorilla raised on Caesar’s ideals of peace between species. His world is shattered by a brutal attack, setting him on a path of vengeance that unveils a brewing conflict within the ape society.
The film excels in its world-building. Gone are the lush, green landscapes; a sense of decay hangs over the overgrown ruins of human civilization. The ape settlements, particularly the technologically advanced underwater city, showcase the evolution of ape society.
The visuals are stunning, with sweeping vistas and detailed set design making the post-apocalyptic world both believable and captivating.
While the story lacks the emotional depth of the previous trilogy, it compensates with thrilling action sequences. Noa’s journey is punctuated by intense chases and battles, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The film also delves into themes of legacy and the struggle to maintain peace in a world yearning for conflict.
However, “Kingdom” stumbles slightly with its pacing. The middle act drags a bit, with some repetitive plot points. The film also throws in a few convenient plot devices to propel the story forward.
Despite these minor stumbles, the film shines in its central performance by Owen Teague as Noa. He portrays the character’s rage and grief with raw intensity, making Noa a compelling protagonist.
“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” might not reach the heights of its predecessors, but it’s a worthy successor that expands the franchise’s universe. With its stunning visuals, thrilling action, and thought-provoking themes, it’s a compelling addition to the “Planet of the Apes” saga, leaving viewers eager for the next chapter in this ever-evolving ape kingdom. In all truth I’d recommend checking out “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” and see what you think of it, I shall give it a score of Four Stars. You can watch it at your local cinema today.
Director: Wes Ball– Rating: 12A – Genre: Action/Sci-fi– Run Time: 2h 25m Language: English. For more film content please follow @movies4fanatics on Instagram.