June and July were very busy month for the ladies in Lusk ICA.
Summer Festival
For the Lusk summer festival held and in Orlynn Park in June we set up stall showing off samples of arts and crafts. Rob O Donoghue Labour councillor for Fingal visited Caroline O’Malley and Maureen Aupy at the stand.
Congratulations to Mary Shorthall and Teresa Kilmurray from Lusk ICA are through to the ICA All Ireland P&P in Seapoint 14th September, good luck in the final ladies.
Farewell party
A Big Thanks to the fabulous refreshments at Fr George’s farewell celebration on 2nd July. It was a really lovely Parish occasion and great for ICA to be involved.
Flavours of Fingal
With stiff competition Lusk ICA were awarded lots of prizes, at the horticultural tent in the Flavours of Fingal. Teresa Kilmurray got first prize for her soda bread and scones also an award for her embroidery. Teresa Killoran and Alma Farrell for their paintings, Mary Hagan for her apple tart and Caroline O Malley for her picture frame.
Annual ICA Party
The ladies enjoyed a wonderful day out at ICA Annual Summer Garden Party on 6th July in An Grianan in Termonfeckin, Co. Louth.
Congratulations to Teresa Kilmurray who was our proud winner of the best dressed lady! We also wish to remember the family of Josie Doyle who was an active member of Lusk ICA, may she rest in peace.