Lusk Pride of Place Committee are Commended

Lusk Pride of Place Committee are Commended

Earlier this summer Lusk was chosen as the town to represent Fingal in the Pride of Place Awards. The Pride of Place is an all-island competition that recognises improvements made by local communities to create civic pride in their area. The competition focus is about people coming together to shape, change and enjoy all that is good about their town.

Lusk will be competing against 25 other towns from other Local Authority Areas in the category of towns between 5,000 – 10,000 people in their population with the judging taking place on the 3rd of September this year. The committee set up comprises many of the community groups in the town including the Community Council, LAG, Men & Womens Shed and Tidy Towns/Cleanup Group.

Councillor Rob O’Donoghue commented on the ongoing work that, ‘I have attended the committee and it is working diligently to put Lusk’s best foot forward for when the judges arrive in September. The community groups have coalesced successfully and are planning a number of initiatives to put Lusk in the best light possible. Everyone involved are volunteers and they deserve a great deal of thanks for giving their time and energy to what I hope will be a winning entry.’

In other Council news, the period for observations on the application for the Lusk Sports Hub, to An Bord Pleanala ended in early July. The application will now be evaluated by the Bord in the coming months. O’Donoghue stated, ‘I made a submission myself endorsing the application and it my fervent hope that the application is swiftly granted by the Bord so we can start looking at the tendering and building phases of this game changing facility for Lusk.’

/ Latest News, Lusk Local News