Malahide Historical Society has recently unearthed wonderful images of ‘Hogan’s Top Shop’ Hogan’s grocers, wine and spirits merchants stood for many years on Main Street at what is now Malahide Credit Union premises. Locals called it Hogan’s Top-Shop to distinguish it from Hogan’s Bottom-Shop, their other premises on New Street (now Fowler’s pub).
Two of these three fascinating images have just recently come to light showing deliveries in the early 1900s. The truck is a Guinness lorry outside the premises circa 1910. (photo courtesy of Richard McAllister)
The third image, also from about 1910, shows a cart with the name ‘Bewley & Draper, Ink Makers’. This was a business owned by a branch of the famous Bewley coffee family which imported chemical and ink supplies as well as, unusually, mineral waters. It is likely the cart was being used to deliver not ink but mineral waters to Hogan’s as indicated by the crates on the footpath under the awning into which a worker appears to be peering.
Thanks to Malahide Historical Society.