O’Donoghue calls for expanded parking facilities at Lusk Sports Hub

O’Donoghue calls for expanded parking facilities at Lusk Sports Hub

At the November Area meeting Cllr Rob O’Donoghue tabled a motion regarding the future plans for provision of parking at the Lusk Sports Hub where recently has had issues with parking for patrons of the Hub. Cllr O’Donoghue was advise that discussions had recently taken place between the Chair of the Lusk 2020 group with the two school principals with view to allowing use of their car parking facilities in the evenings.At the meeting the two school Principals have agreed the location of a pedestrian gate and to replace the existing boundary fencing between the Lusk Hub and the schools with procurement of the new gates and fencing being undertaken with the aim of having the infrastructure in place before the end of quarter one of 2022. Cllr O’Donoghue welcomed the report and thanked the 2020 Group stakeholders, the Operations Department of Fingal County Council and the two Principals of the local schools for their quick and decisive actions in formulating a solution to the issue. He stated ‘as the Sports Hub develops, we need to ensure that access for users of the Hub is adequately catered for given the rise in obesity rates and the ever increasing number of volunteers and club members who use the facility on a weekly basis.’

/ Latest News, Lusk Local News